A ReactJS library for building Admin Panels and CMS.

Declaratively build fully customizable admin panels and CMS based on MaterialUI.
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Easy to Code.
import { pages } from "@app-artisans/neoAdmin";
import { loginRequest } from "utils/requests";

// We expose a Login component for you that
// handles email and password submission
const { Login } = pages;

const headers = {
  type: "Page",
  options: {
    name: "Login",
    route: {
      path: "/",
      unAuth: true,
      auth: false,
      exact: true,
      component: (props) => <Login {...props} onSubmit={loginRequest} />,

export default headers;
Create them within seconds with our predefined components.
Authentication Pages
Create them within seconds with our predefined components.
Developer experience first.

We are leveraging the most popular libraries in the ReactJS ecosystem and placing the wires so you can focus on results instead of doing repetitive work.

Based on ReactJS
If you know ReactJS, you won’t have any problem extending the features provided out of the box.
Powerful UI
We leverage MaterialUI in order to build amazing advanced components and theming.
Fully responsive
We take care that it looks perfect in any device where you could run it.
Custom Routing
We are using React Router under the hood to create a routing system based on configuration.
Most of the times you will just need to add JSON configuration in order to see your tables and forms working.
Built in advanced components
We take care of image uploading, form management, table pagination and filtering.
Fully customizable
If our out of the box components are not enough for you, we also expose ways that let you render whatever you want, wherever you want.
Backend agnostic
We don’t force you to comply to any REST or GraphQL schema. We just ask you which function will take care of doing CRUD operations.
Our philosophy is to provide you with JSON structures that you can use to build your application with the minimum amount of code.
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Help us shape neoAdmin.
We want to hear your thoughts about neoAdmin and how we can improve it! We just need few minutes of your time to answer the following questions.
What is your role?
What is neoAdmin?
neoAdmin is a ReactJS library for building Admin Panels and CMS in a declarative way based on JSON configurations. Furthermore it also allows the developer to add custom code everywhere it's needed.
How do I get access to neoAdmin?
neoAdmin is open source! You can find the source code at https://github.com/xavi-tristancho/neoadmin
Why would I need to use neoAdmin?
neoAdmin is appropriate for projects that need to manage the backend database from an Admin role perspective and helps the developer with enabling the basic CRUD operations over the database entities.
How do I install my neoAdmin project?
Once you have cloned the repository, you can create a project with Create React App for example and then install the neoAdmin library using npm or yarn as a dependency of that project.
How do I deploy my neoAdmin project?
neoAdmin is a library that exposes React Components so you will need to create the project that contains it. neoAdmin does not need any special deployment process.
Will neoAdmin be updated?
Yes, we have a monthly release plan where we include new features and bugfixes.
What if neoAdmin is missing an important feature for me?
You can tell us which feature it is through our contact form and we will consider it for implementation.
Which libraries does neoAdmin rely on?
The most important libraries that we are using are MaterialUI, React Router and TinyMCE. We are also using libraries that we made ourselves in order to manage forms and upload images.
Can I get support?
Of course, you can contact us using our contact form on sending us an email to info@app-artisans.dev
Custom work.

Do you want to build a project with our library but don't have the resources to do it?

If you don't have time or you can't find developers we can also help you on that. You just need to get in contact with us and briefly explain us your case and we might:

  • Get back to you and schedule a meeting
  • Give you an estimate of time and price if the work is straightforward
  • Decline the work due to timing or relevancy
contact us